Friday, May 7, 2010


Hillsong United produced a film that was shown in theaters nationwide on November 4, 2009. The plan was to release the film on DVD in March, but plans changed when countries from around the world also began to request that the film be shown in their country. Now the tentative release date is August of 2010.

Before going further in this blog, I ask that you take a look at a short clip from that film. It will set the precedence for the thought in the rest of this post:

Hillsong United Clip

As I was watching that film in theaters, I remember feeling anguish over all the needs across the globe. Just barely open your eyes and you see millions who are homeless, starving, sick, or oppressed. Turn to CNN or Fox News and see the disasters that have struck Haiti, or see all of the orphans that are in Honduras, or see the AIDS problems that are in Africa. I feel like you can't really look anywhere without seeing needs that are demanding attention. And no matter who you are, or what beliefs you have, you can't help but feel for those people.

A lot of times, it is easy to see those things and feel like the problem is too big for us, and so we change the channel. Or we examine our own lives and realize that we, too, have problems, and even though they are much smaller, they are more demanding of our attention. And so whatever mindset we fall into, we always end up ignoring the the cause of those that are dying abroad and thanking God for "blessing us".

Part of me wants to veer off and address that last statement about being blessed, but hopefully your own Spirit will convict you of what is wrong about those thoughts. So for now, I am simply just going to stay on track with where I am going...

I don't know if you have seen the news this past week, but disaster has struck our own soil. There was an attempted terrorist attack in New York, a huge oil leakage in Louisiana, and massive flooding in Nashville. The latter of the three hits home with me the most due to my friends and family that live down there. As I have been in touch with them and following the news, here are some of the things that I have found:

Thousands of houses have been completely destroyed, and most homeowners did not own any sort of flood insurance (Nashville never floods). More than 7,000 people have been declared to be officially homeless, in addition to those that already were. The death tally expects to be in the hundreds, as water has still not even gone down far enough to check in all parts of the city. Schools have been destroyed and many are cancelled for the remainder of the year. Hotels, restaurants, and businesses have lost everything. Crime rates have soared as homes are being broken into and items are being stolen. The city is in desperate need of millions of dollars to help rebuild what is one of the most popular cities in all of America.

Ok, so now we reach that point when we see how you respond. Do you simply just turn the channel again, or go on to your next website? Or do you actually stop and pray over the ways that you can get involved? If you are reading this and are part of the Christian body, then I exhort you even more to consider this. Read Matthew 25:31-46 as you do so.

God calls His church to rise up in times like this to help those that are in need. One of His promises is that He will never leave us nor forsake us, but how will others realize that if we leave them and forsake them? What an opportunity this is to show the world the love of Jesus Christ by helping those that are in desperate need! Help is needed all over the globe and if you are able to help them out in any way, then do it. Do you think that you have been blessed to simply just hang on to that? No, rather you have been blessed so that you can bless others.

If you have been blessed, like I have, then join me in reaching out to those that need help. You may have other projects or other causes to help with, but I want you to know that my dollars are going to Nashville. I don't say that boastfully, but I say that to present a challenge for you to join me in that. I have other projects and causes to also think about, but I simply cannot continue to turn the channel and move on with my life. This is what God has called us to do.

If you want to get involved, then I am going to get you in touch with Celia Quin. Celia is a teacher in Nashville and is part of First Baptist Church of Pegram. She is currently assisting in running a shelter out of her school, as they are the only school in the area that still has electricity. She also currently has connections with the American Red Cross and some other organizations because they are also running out of their school right now. Celia has said that some of the major needs right now are clothes and household items for those that have lost everything, and they are also in need of Bibles. Maybe the best way to go about giving is to send money and let her spend it accordingly.

To send a letter or money to Celia, you can do so through the following postal address:
Celia Quin
10 Erin Lane
Nashville, TN 37221

If you want to first communicate with her via email, her address is:

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and thank you in advance for getting involved in this ministry. I want to leave you with one final quote, and then this post will be done.

"Having seen all this you can choose to look the other way, but you can never say 'I did not know'."
- William Wilberforce

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crossing the Finish Line

In November of 2008, I had the privilege of running in the Huntington Half-Marathon. I had trained for several months leading up to it and felt like I was prepared when race day finally rolled around. In training, I had discovered what I felt to be a good pace for myself, though I wasn't sure how the adrenaline of race day would change that. However, I decided to take a watch with me and try to stay on pace for an 8 minute mile, and then when I hit mile marker 11, I would take off for the final two miles.

As the race progressed, I stayed consistently around 8 minutes per mile. Some miles were a little quicker and some were a little slower, depending on who was around me. One man that I ran with for a while was wearing a shirt that displayed the verse 1 Corinthians 9:27, which talks of beating your body into submission. I felt that was a great verse for such a long race.

After passing mile 10, I began looking for 11, which was where I was going to pick up the pace a bit. However, after 8 minutes on my watch had gone by, mile marker 11 was nowhere to be found. I continued running and 9 minutes, then 10 minutes went by and I still hadn't seen it. I began to ask the judges if they knew which mile I was at and none of them were completely sure. Yet through all of this, I continue to run.

A couple of minutes later, I passed a sign indicating mile 12, meaning I had one mile to go. I picked up my pace a lot for that final distance, confused as to why I never saw mile marker 11. But in that final mile, I was able to pass a few people and cross the finish line in a sprint, getting a time of 1:46:20.

I was standing around after the race and watching others who had crossed before me laying on the ground completely worn out. Others were eating, trying to replace all of the energy that they had just lost. However for me, I felt as if I had a lot of energy left in me. This was not because I was in phenomenal shape (given, there were dozens of people who beat me), but I felt as if I could have run harder or picked up the pace sooner. One fellow runner reminded me that, being my first race, I should take joy in just completing it. But the competitive person in me kept thinking, "I could have run harder. I could have picked up the pace a long time ago."

I think that is one of the worst feelings in the world: to think that you could have done more. This emotion is often felt in sports as there have been many times that I felt like I could have tried harder or given more effort. I have felt similar things even in school after turning in a project that I know that I could have done better on. For me, completion alone has never been enough. I must know that I gave everything I had, no matter what is at stake.

Do you think that this feeling exists in Heaven? I mean, I know that Heaven will be all about the glory of God and worshiping Him with all that we have. But I think that my biggest fear in life is to one day get to Heaven, crossing that finish line of life, and still have energy. I fear getting there feeling as if I could have done more, or that I could have talked to more people. I don't want to be one of those people who simply just floats there way into eternity. I want to be the one who crosses that finish line in a full sprint, and then be able to look Jesus in the eyes and say, "I gave everything I had for you. I did it all for your glory!"

When I view the world today, I see so much suffering, so much pain, so much brokenness. I know that I have talked about these things in previous posts, but this is still what I see! And then my eyes shift back to the church where I see many members saving up for retirement so that they can move to the beach and play shuffleboard for the rest of their lives. Is that the way you want to enter Heaven? Is that the way that you want to cross the finish line?

Several individuals stick out to me as people who are running hard at all times. I won't take the time right now to recognize you on this post but you should know who you are. If you have to question it, well then most likely you are not one of those people and maybe you need to pick up the pace a little bit. But if you are one of those individuals, then I thank you for the ways in which you have paced me and encouraged me to keep running. Let's continue on as hard as we can until we cross that finish line of life and enter into eternity.

Please, examine your life and check how hard you are running. What else can you be doing to advance God's kingdom on this earth? Who else can you tell and what else can you do to get closer to Him? Be one of those individuals who collapses at the finish line knowing that you have given everything that you could have possibly given. Make Colossians 1:29 your life verse, striving with all of HIS energy. He will carry you until the end.

"To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me."
-Colossians 1:29