Sunday, April 24, 2011

Justification - The Easter Story

"Justification". Quite possibly the single most important word for those who follow Christ. It carries the idea of being in right position or right standing before God. In the Christian faith, justification is not by works, but by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). That is what makes Christianity unique, as all other religions are work-based. It is said that no man can be justified through the works of the law, but rather the law came to expose how sinful we are (Romans 3:20).

Easter messages often celebrate the story of the cross, but this story is not complete without the resurrection. Many individuals have claimed deity and died, but only One has had the power to actually conquer death. The death of Christ on the cross was essential for satisfying God's punishment for sin, but it was not adequate to justify us. The justification came in the fact that He conquered death and rose from the dead, giving us the opportunity to join Him in His glory (Romans 6:5). Romans 4:25 explains this, when it says, "He who was delivered over because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification."

When I consider justification, it blows my mind! The idea of forgiveness, I can somewhat wrap my mind around. I can somewhat comprehend God looking down upon me, a sinner, and forgiving me, but it blows my mind to think of God looking down upon me and declaring me righteous. It is just like the church of Corinth, probably the most sinful church in the entire New Testament, and God looks down upon them declaring them saints (1 Cor. 1:2). Of course this is not by their own doing, because they are full of sin, but rather because God chose to appoint them as saints.

In the same way, God appoints those who trust in His Son as being justified. It is not of our own doing, but rather it is completely of the doing of Christ in His death, burial, and especially His resurrection.

I have been studying Romans lately, and justification by faith is all throughout that book. The more I study, the more magnified God becomes in my mind. And the more He is magnified, the more sinful, and distant, I feel. But with this gulf being so big, thankfully I do not have to depend upon my works to bridge that gulf. Instead, being a son of God, and I can trust in my justification that came through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As you reflect on God during this Easter season, I challenge you to consider the theme of justification. Read Romans, or read any New Testament book and see how Christ has justified us through His blood. It is the single more important act in all of history, and without it, we are still infinitely separated from our almighty God.

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